Emotional & Behavioral Signs of Abuse

Emotional and behavioral signs or changes are more common than physical signs and can include:

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Sleep disturbances, including nightmares or night terrors

  • Change in eating habits

  • Unusual fear of certain people or places; reluctance to be alone with a certain person

  • Changes in mood that could include anger, aggressiveness towards parents, siblings, friends, pets

  • Rebellion or withdrawal; runaway behavior

  • Change in attitude towards school or academic performance; lack of interest in friends, sports, or other activities

  • Unexplained or frequent health problems like headaches or stomach aches

  • Poor self-esteem; avoidance of relationships

  • Self-mutilation or change in body perception, like thinking of self or body as dirty or bad; suicidal thoughts

  • Regression to previously outgrown behaviors, for example, bedwetting or thumb sucking

  • Abnormal sexual behaviors or knowledge of advanced sexual language and behaviors

  • Too “perfect” behavior or overly compliant behavior